Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Livy Bug

Miss Liv is getting so dang big. She is now officially eight months old... you read that right EIGHT months!!! Where does the time go?!? She has mastered sitting now, and has a great ability to catch herself when bumped by her brother, a cat or a large puppy! HA! She also has started doing this super cute thing where she likes to rest her hands on her legs while she sits... it's too freakin' cute!

She is also army crawling. She gets faster by the day!!! What used to take her a few minutes to do is quickly becoming a few seconds... she is officially very mobile!


  1. She is simply too beautiful! You must just stare at both you kidlets and feel like the luckiest mommy!

  2. Lara! She is just too cute! I just want to smooch her up! Love that smile!
