We have decided to move the kids into a room to share. This allowed us to all be on the same floor of the house.(which makes mom feel better!) So after two weeks of lots of taping, priming and painting... we moved everyone around! Mason got moved into his "big boy room"and mom and dad moved into the smaller room next door. Mason loves his new room!! He loves anything that you call "big boy!" I remember sharing a room when I was little with my brother, and it was comforting that you never were alone at night. So here's hoping that Mason and his sister like sharing too... especially since they will be for the next few years or so! (I promise to post pics of the room as soon as we are TOTALLY done... I still have the finishing touches to do!)
We have scheduled our c-section for May 5th (Cinco de Mayo!) at 7:30 am. Miss Bebo will arrive at 39w3d...10 days before Mason did. We are really hoping that we can avoid the nasty NICU stay that Mason had. (meconium aspiration is a nasty thing! Hopefully by delivering a little early we can avoid her becoming stressed and doing the whole BM in utero) Keep your fingers crossed for us!! :-) We are very fortunate to have our pediatrician Dr. Haigh there as well... Dr. Haigh was there when Mason was born too! We LOVE Dr. Haigh and couldn't imagine having any one else there!
Due to some health issues that I have been having this time around Dr. Peltier has ordered monthly growth ultrasounds, just to check and make sure that our girl is growing and developing on schedule. So far so good... everything points to her being a chunk like her big brother. :-)
This ultrasound was done on 01/28/09 @25w5d. It isn't a great shot... she just doesn't like to cooperate during the u/s! This shows her spine at the top, which curves into her head. She weighed 2lbs2oz, in the 60th percentile. (Which means 59% of babies at the same gestational age weigh less than she does and 40% weigh more)

This u/s was done 03/02/09 @30w3d. She weighed in at 3lbs11oz and gained in the percentages as well... 65%!! This was our FAVORITE u/s appointment of all!!! After all of the necessary measurements were complete we got to switch over to the 3d/4d u/s!! It was so detailed and intricate!!! Seeing a little face complete with chubby cheeks and a little button nose was awesome to say the least!! Again she didn't cooperate too well, so we only got one really good shot of her face. We both think that she looks a LOT like Mason!!
We have scheduled our c-section for May 5th (Cinco de Mayo!) at 7:30 am. Miss Bebo will arrive at 39w3d...10 days before Mason did. We are really hoping that we can avoid the nasty NICU stay that Mason had. (meconium aspiration is a nasty thing! Hopefully by delivering a little early we can avoid her becoming stressed and doing the whole BM in utero) Keep your fingers crossed for us!! :-) We are very fortunate to have our pediatrician Dr. Haigh there as well... Dr. Haigh was there when Mason was born too! We LOVE Dr. Haigh and couldn't imagine having any one else there!
Due to some health issues that I have been having this time around Dr. Peltier has ordered monthly growth ultrasounds, just to check and make sure that our girl is growing and developing on schedule. So far so good... everything points to her being a chunk like her big brother. :-)
This ultrasound was done on 01/28/09 @25w5d. It isn't a great shot... she just doesn't like to cooperate during the u/s! This shows her spine at the top, which curves into her head. She weighed 2lbs2oz, in the 60th percentile. (Which means 59% of babies at the same gestational age weigh less than she does and 40% weigh more)
This u/s was done 03/02/09 @30w3d. She weighed in at 3lbs11oz and gained in the percentages as well... 65%!! This was our FAVORITE u/s appointment of all!!! After all of the necessary measurements were complete we got to switch over to the 3d/4d u/s!! It was so detailed and intricate!!! Seeing a little face complete with chubby cheeks and a little button nose was awesome to say the least!! Again she didn't cooperate too well, so we only got one really good shot of her face. We both think that she looks a LOT like Mason!!
We also had them do a "double check" on the girl status too!! I kept having a recurrent dream where I had a little boy and named him Aiden!! So I figured I should double check before we had everything for a little girl!!
I love the 3D pic..she's already as cute as can be!!!