Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

I apologize that this is so dark... but really the best part is hearing him talk about Christmas!
He has come a loooooooooong way in the past year with his speech. He now never stops talking, and looooooves to repeat what he hears. (OY!)

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!!

May the holiday season find everyone in good health and spirits. Stay warm and enjoy your time with family and friends... because after all that's what the holiday season is all about.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Here another video of Miss Liv being as cute as can be. I wish I could say that I had videos of Mason, but he never seems to have the appropriate amount of clothing on! HA! (potty training is just much easier bare-bottomed!) She always seems to be in her pj's in her pics... I'll have to get some of her in all of her cute outfits!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oh my he is going to be a BIG boy!!!

He will be 12 weeks old on Christmas Day... and yet he already weighs more than our almost 2 1/2 year old! YIKES!!!
Now you may think that he uses his enormous size to his advantage, but you'd be wrong! Less than an hour ago, he lost an argument with Sassy the cat over a stray marshmallow that fell on the floor... all Sassy had to do was give him the evil eye and a swat of her paw. He is a big softy!

P.S. to take this pic, I broke the big rule of puppy training 101.... don't let the dog on the furniture, as that makes him equal to you, and you lose your footing as the "master" and boss. Well the good news is that he was a bit freaked out and wanted off! Thank goodness because in about four to six months, he will be big enough to cover the w-h-o-l-e couch! HA!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

And they call it puppy loooooove!!!

This is Max. He is an almost 12 week old male German Sheperd pup... he is also Mason's new buddy!!! He is going to be a b-i-g dog!!! Look at the size of those paws and head... at not quite 12 weeks he is already 35lbs! He is for sure a lover and not a fighter though... cause even though he will be Cujo huge, he is a big old marshmallow at heart.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Miss LuLah Bug!

Here is what our sweet little SEVEN month old has been up to lately!
  • She can sit by herself, but would rather lay on the floor and play, so she can roll all over!
  • She has two bottom teeth, and more soon to be in!
  • She has said her first word! Da-Da!
  • She is in LOVE with her brother. She thinks he is hilarious, and he is happy to have a receptive audience! HA!
  • She is very tactile... loves to touch everything.
  • She is an animal lover already. <3
  • She would rather miss a meal than a nap.
  • If allowed she would eat her body weight in Cheerios every day.
  • She can drink out of a sippy cup, but still gets mostly bottles.
  • She isn't crawling yet, but gets around by scooting and rolling all over! (we are hoping that this will last until the Christmas tree is down! HA!)
  • She is in love with her nuk, and always has one (or two or three!) handy at all times.
  • Her other favorite food is Eggos. Blueberry preferably!
  • She LOVES to talk, and sing.
  • She is happiest when engaged in a conversation with someone, but will also happily play alone and talk and sing to herself.
  • She is getting over her stranger fear that she had as a little baby. She will happily stay with a babysitter, or flirt with a stranger in Target.
  • She is becoming quite the ham and flirt!
  • She is in her "big girl" car seat and rides well in the car.

She is getting entirely too big! We have asked her to stay this age forever... but she seems to continue to grow and change on a daily basis! ;-) Hard to believe that in five months she will be a year old and a toddler already!

This one is my favorite-- Livy getting her "pirate face" on!

I finally figured out how to get the videos off of my camera! (HA! Yes I know that I am slow!) Here is Miss LuLah Bug eating breakfast and talking to her Momma!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Snow Baby!!!

We got TONS of snow from the first big snow fall of the season!!! Here are pics of Mason and Daddy (and Sophie too!!!) out playing in the snow!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Livy Bug!!!

She is getting so, so, soooooo big!!!
Here she is at 5 1/2 months!!

4 months

No this isn't Olivia as a newborn...
she is 3 1/2 months and Tom is just HUGE!!!

3 month pics